Does Not Compute (2023)
The canvas is a blank invitation to translate the fragmented vision. Today, the muse wouldn’t be a live model, but the ethereal whisper of an AI prompt: “portrait of a woman, cubist style.” My brush translates the woman’s form into a symphony of geometric shapes. Her face is a captivating puzzle rendered in bold, overlapping planes. Her features, fragmented yet cohesive, capture the essence of cubism’s playful deconstruction of reality. The vibrant colors, chosen based on the AI’s suggestion, pulsate with energy, adding a layer of whimsy to the woman’s enigmatic presence. With each stroke, I bridge the gap between the digital realm and the tactile world, breathing life into the AI’s interpretation, creating a portrait that transcends its technological origin.
This “painted” painting was copied from “digital” artificial intelligence (AI) output. The text prompt given to the online AI image generator was “portrait of a woman, cubist style”. This is only one of the results given by the AI.
“Si technologia nos imitatur, technologiam imitamur”
– Unknown
Acrylic on canvas
20 in × 20 in